Hunter (Bloodborne cross, very spooky, very dark) and All Things Devoured (Dead Space necromorph alt!power, not quite as dark) by Unwelcome Storm, both in hiatus I think. As a result (and to further illustrate the Thinker ability by way of visualization), Taylor will always be looking at herself if she can see at all, since she only gets vision when in someones field of view. He's so distinctly not human, it's interesting to see how normal things that we take for granted fail to apply to him. Ooo, definitely a fun start. Taylor can be insane as well. Weld wondered if she was going to leap and tackle him. Spoiler: Malkavians In Brief Omakes: Rolyat's Visit by SirWill A Father's Pride by Seclorum This force is not usually strong enough to move heavy or anchored objects, but can send light objects flying. Contessa is working behind the scenes recruiting the woman who would've been Bakuda to the Protectorate as Starburst, and using her gadgets to eliminate the Slaughterhouse Nine and Nilbog, all of which is made possible by the jailbreaking of Path to Victory, Taylor and Victoria bonding during their Boston roadtrip, Just before Taylor is attacked, she is seen checking her phone and starts running in Taylor's direction. . If she's persistently missing functionality, she'll pretty much always have some Daredevil-esque powers-related way of at least partially compensating for it. Taylor handed the phone back to Weld and he pocketed it. Taylor is aptly named Monster. Fanfic authors need to have the words "chuckle" and "smirk" taken away from them. We will escort you to the bridge. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Looking for Taylor meets Hookwolf at the gym : r/WormFanfic While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Never seen stranger things but this is pretty horrifying. Even though the bullying didn't escalate to the locker incident, Taylor Hebert still triggered with powers. So far, Taylor's augments seem to work best if she's been applying her percussive skills beforehand, they need to test the limits of that. She let out a long breath, her expression settling on a more neutral one. Nice! Note that while she cannot enter the ghost realm if observed, she can "prime" herself to enter that state, such that she will then go ghost if unobserved for even a microsecond. I only had another week left before I was supposed to go back to school. The whole 'fic so far is on par with early canon as far as we can tell (feeling wise not literally)., It makes sense, since shards want their hosts to be active out and about, getting into conflict and such. He had been given a disturbing amount of leeway as far as this meeting went. 1.3 Adagio Three Capes a Caping, Two Good Friends, One Majorette and a New Face is Meeting Our T. Combat Ready Piggot I want to see how this plays out. . I did not want to go back. The only thing separating Brockton Bay from the rest of the world. Weld said tightly as he followed the worker Taylor's lead. Day of the Tentacle, where she's a multiple amputee and tinkers up brain-controlled prosthetics. Title says it all, it was a fic where Taylor met Brad, Melody and Stormtiger (forgot what his name was) at a gym masks off and formed a sort of friendship. Last chance for Weld to back out. The new Empire cape is obviously part of her multi trigger, wonder how many others there are and how they all triggered. ", "I'd rather that not happen." When she finished, the process resumed effortlessly. Piggot handed the file to Weld and he took it. this is accompanied by static noise. Hebert: Wind of Death (Taylor gets a Book of Nagash from Arkhan the Black of Warhammer Fantasy, maybe dead?). Fics where Tinker!Taylor builds and fights with interstellar warships (and possibly ends up pioneering a space industry)? Also I propose the cape name Glow Sticks for the Lols. Mutually assured destruction and all that. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. On the night Taylor ran her first path to find cookies, Contessa felt an overwhelming urge to go buy some cookies (implied to be Taylor's) herself (and even thought she was pregnant due to all the food cravings), and Taylor has gotten flashes of Cauldron's attempts to fight Scion. Hopefully, with the Protectorate.". Weld asked. I love seeing new and interesting powers and this one is really cool. They would have to be. Please consider turning it on! When Taylors incorporeal form passes through time-locked objects, they appear to smear, like someone smudged a painting. I slowly slooooowly turned around, cowl obscuring my head and robe obscuring my shuffling feet as I appeared to rotate in place to face the heroines direction. Mind, I was already posting when I saw yours. The door to Brockton Bay. The words came out strained. I flew around to his front, ignoring the time-frozen explosion I passed through to do so. Weld noticed one of the Taylors at the assembly line slowing down, the miniscule pause noticeable from how much it deviated and the effect rippled down the line. My own fic Claim The Spoils has her with Victor's power, able to know what skills other people have and drain them from them. We have a number of canon characters who are disabled, and I wish we could see that reflected more in fics. Weld tried to focus on the buzz of the flourescent lights, but as far as white noise went, that was a little too quiet. 14 Zusatz. Queen of Owls on QQ. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This power blocks her from using her own eyes, and if nobody is currently looking at her she is blind. There was no foreman to speak of, no one to admonish or criticize her. It was no wonder the East North East Protectorate had been infiltrated so easily. before?". Things had been surreal before, now it felt like madness. Weld replied. But the stakes were too high to do anything else. Its function is awkward and inconsistent enough that she still needs day-to-day professional assistance to go out in public. I can see Taylor in some sort of spy or support role if she makes the right team. Work Search: End result: uninjured Taylor, dogs saved, four guards unconscious and tied up and Hookwolf impaled with two rebar spears, hooked up to a generator and turned into a nightlight. Taylor gets manipulated by Mrs. Abbotson, an old friend of Annette's, in the wake of her first Path- that to getting cookies. She can float at a maximum speed of about 25 miles per hour; as Taylor noted, a decent frame of reference would be Olympic-sprinting fast, but slower than most flying capes. Very intense. Her Shaker power passively causes static to appear for any cameras viewing her when she comes. Twenty feet away lay an anthill. Special Edition - Taylor is a powerful precog. As they headed down the hill, Weld glanced back at the Taylor that had been Danny Hebert and he saw that she was still standing at the edge of the hill. Taylor the Farmer, a Worm + Stardew Valley Crossover fanfic | FanFiction Doing factory work while others", His guide cut him off. As it was, Weld was walking in blind. This is an informational threadmark discussing the overall premise of the fic, especially Taylors power. He can make the ground rolls like liquid with Shit. Grind Chapter 1: 1-1, a X-overs + Worm Crossover fanfic - FanFiction.Net I guess I'm still trying to wrap my head around it at all. In fact if there was, Weld suspected that would have just slowed down production. The whole world seemed to have stilled. Was interesting cause it went with the concept and I wanna give it a reread but can't remember what the rest of the fic was about. I dont want things like Taylor Varga or Monster or powers where she appears terrifying to others but is in reality harmless like Camera Shy. When time resumes, smeared objects are pushed in the direction and intensity of said smear. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The old man notes that this is the first time anyone offered him the use of their umbrella, or kindness on such a level as her. She said icily. Taylor came around the table until she stood to the side of Weld. Very horror movie-like. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from [email protected]. It would have been so much easier to do that. One of the best fics I've ever read and it makes me weep that it's dead, "It's okay, Mr. Ethan. And if so, is there a difference in the power draw between active and passive participants? and crudest form of cataract surgery. You were not who I was expecting." It looked like a shipping container, although he was told the furnishing on the inside was a little nicer than that. 1.3 Adagio Three Capes a Caping, Two Good Friends, One Majorette and a New Face is Meeting Our T. You must log in or register to reply here. Is it crack? Are there any thinker Taylor fics? : r/WormFanfic - reddit An Unfinished Can of Worms Chapter 1: Taylor the - FanFiction It also has the effect of putting Leet in reach of Contessa's machinations, reducing her ultimate plan by several steps. Like a winding river, it may flow past familiar shores or cut its own path through solid rock. Set in the center of one the bridges leading into Brockton Bay - one of the few still standing. Nearly. Taylor (presumably) haunts them, someone dies I think. Flames, where she uses illusionist powers to get around missing an eye. "I think we're a little past first impressions.". tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Taylor can see through her own eyes in her Breaker state, as her Thinker power causes her blindness and is disabled in Breaker form. Any area which is directly observed appears as absolute blackness when in this state, this blackness does not block Taylor's ghost-world vision. The same wide mouth, the same thin figure even the same curly brown hair. Unfortunately for Armsmaster, he was caught on camera and becomes a PHO meme. Things are changed beforehand and echoed through the dotted lines of the stations, but not tied to them. Forty taser drones together are able to kill Hookwolf, blasting him en masse and repeatedly until he stops moving and then a few more times for good measure. Definitely a strong mover power, but a thinker primary. Weld stared at the hut. Taylor gave a hard look to Weld, "A real one, make no mistake, but one meant as a warning. So were we.". They sat on a veranda at the top of a hill overlooking the city, Taylor savoring a sundae, Weld admiring the sunset. LORD DOOM IS MERCIFUL. Work Search: "Someone who's immune to my power." Please inform your superiors of our proposal. I know I can. Can I get a link? While your feet are stompin'. ", Weld's eyes widened and he turned to look at her. They'd perform crime upon crime upon crime, and then brag about how dangerous they were, even as they ran away from any law-enforcement that might stand a chance at bringing them in. That," Piggot pointed at the folder, "is all the information we could gather on her with certainty that it wasn't tampered with.". I wanted to avoid it, at all costs. Weaver Nine - This technically doesn't count since Taylor and Jack Slash switch places so it's a story from Jack's perspective if she was born in Taylor's place but naming this anyway since it has some Thinker power stuff going on. Weld asked, "Forget all the innocent people of Brockton Bay? Or tinkered prosthetics that work the same as or better than what she had before. "To be perfectly honest, Weld. From the perspective of anyone else, I materialized in my room with a gasp. Taylor is incorporeal and unable to directly affect the world in her Breaker form. I'll pass your proposal to the Protectorate. Coil manages to kidnap Dinah and plots how to use her to finally defeat Lord Doom not knowing that Lord Doom is about to capture him in both timelines. In the Worm epilogue, a cape tells a joke with the punchline "six different flavors of sausage." . At some point since meeting her, she must have communicated his needs to herself and they had found Weld a chair he could actually sit on. Since I was blind in my normal form and paper money all felt the same whether they were Washingtons or Benjamins, I had counted the money by going back and forth between my ghost world while hiding it. She was on the wrong side of plain with her gangly frame and wide mouth. I never would have thought that nearly all of my problems could have been solved by suddenly going blind, but here we are. But before she can make enough to be a serious hero, she'll need some starting capital, and that's much easier to do as a villain TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. her powers get stronger the greater the number of people who fear her and the deeper fear they feel, An umbrella and a bowling ball in a sling bag, looking directly into the cameras she is being watched through. Therapy is a Worm Fanfic by frommerman. Still, her advice had been sound and Weld used the ambient white noise to clear his thoughts. Again, she does not have access to her other two abilities while in Breaker form, but she does get several double-edged perks. When are you gonna update the rewrite version of that. It was tiny from where he stood. ), Chapter 2.10's Among Us meme was just a joke, stop reading so much into it lol, Alert: Stop talking about whether you feel the new HP should be bought or not, Clarification made in a comment after 1.5, Thinker power activation conditions discussion, decent-sized spoiler revealed later (probably 1.8 or such), Implied in 1.1, but still a decent-sized spoiler for later, Not a spoiler, a visualization aid for the Miss Militia scene. Horror Alt!Power Taylor : r/WormFanfic - reddit All the Myriad Taylors (all Worm fanfic crossover) Crossover Taylor and the Unseelie Court (Taylor isn't herself the spooky monster, but deals with old-school type Fae, dead). When Lord Doom steals Armsmaster's tinkertech motorcycle, promptly crashes it, and then flies away into the sky while laughing, "Armsmaster said some things that were probably not PR approved." Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend. Further, Taylor is unable to locate Ms. Romano in the wake of the Locker, when she went missing, even with PtV, which a vanishingly small number of beings can do (but includes Eidolon, the Endbringers, and Scion). Not generic the way people in magazine ads looked, but the sort of ordinary youd see on the bus. Instead of controlling bugs, she's a Tinker who can make tiny drones. There had been something more in the locker than just bugs and the horrific collection Sophia, Emma and Madison put together. Taylor triggers with Contessa's Path to Victory power. Taylor reassured him, "I want to contribute. There it was. ", Piggot closed her eyes and she relaxed all at once, practically sagging in the seat as she sighed. Whether it was the mood or the exhaustion he shouldn't have been capable of feeling, Weld asked the question that had been weighing on him the whole day. And if you're concerned about some sort of class system," She pointed to the girl who had first slowed the assembly line. Taylor vs Squealer vs Oni Lee. You must log in or register to reply here. What I wouldn't give to have seen Miss Militias' face that second between 'Wait where'd they go? ' Taylor spoke overly formal, but there was a tension there. Eventually, it's revealed that her nickname is "Tessa," which is short for. The story begins with Taylor encountering a homeless man in the rain and offering her umbrella to keep him dry. She held a palm out. And just like her, I'll work the assembly line when I'm needed to.". Last edited: Nov 17, 2018. ], Uber PoV of 1.9-1.13 [mostly canon-compliant! Piggot's frown deepened, the wrinkles in her brow tightening even while the skin under her eyes and cheeks seemed to sag. "As far as first impressions go, it doesn't exactly inspire confidence." "This was the most beneficial option. Theres Monster, and How I Met Your Monster, which follow taylor with Night's powers and cherie vasil. Mulberry, Fl. None of them have, not really.". 3. There is not much conflict ypu can have in a wheelchair. Of those three, Split recently completed while the other two are languishing in indefinite hiatus. the Brockton Bay General security cameras giving me an aerial view of my own hunched form. Dec 22, 2020. Advancing Technology has Taylor with what seems to be the power of advanced learning, and may be more than that. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Press J to jump to the feed. --it does have a different title, so yes. Thoughts as Light as a Feather - Simurgh!Taylor. "I suppose that's true." Her second power allows her to cause momentary disruptions in electronic systems: Lights flicker, cameras momentarily go to static, etc. "I haven't, I swear. He looked up and he saw Taylor watching him, her brow knitted together. Still blind in one eye, though, fwiw. She looked over her shoulder, clearly annoyed. "Are you already aware of my rules?". Dressed in slacks and a business shirt and jacket, coupled with the way she sat, she looked like she was sitting at a job interview. It's true that Danny Hebert can't sit here and admire this sunset with us." Taylor tinkers up drones, pushing New Wave back into the fray. Taylor and Contessa's last conversation in the fic has Taylor asking Contessa if all her actions were worth it. All Taylor had to do was touch the right person and every Taylor would have knowledge of how to get into the Protectorate database. "A Wand for Skitter", on He asked. Her second power allows her to cause momentary disruptions in electronic systems: Lights flicker, cameras momentarily go to static, etc. If today has proven anything, it's that I'm working to help. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Weld reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. Yes. Weld stepped towards the table, eerily aware of the clomping sound his feet made against the huts thin floor. She stood and turned to look at the sunset, her back to him. ", "A threat." By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I was blind. She doesn't officially join the group, but she works with them extensively and exclusively. For someone who isn't, it's a footnote about the person unless they're extremely close to them. I'm having trouble figuring out how this would mesh with the overall threat of Worm, so maybe this will be a short story in the universe? I eventually decided to appear in front of her, but close enough that the dangerous end of the long rifle was. No shadows; the sinks and toilet paper rolls almost looked two-dimensional due to that lack. "What are you aiming to produce?" Inspired by the game Breeding Season. Off in the distance, a crane operated at the side of a skyscraper, the sun at its back. Her first ability allows her to see through the eyes of any sapient being who has any part of her in their field of vision. Taylor's power is like the Cenobites, Amara from F.E.A.R. Taylor confirmed. She can process numerous separate perspectives on herself without issue. She's literally almost out the door before she wakes up and realizes what's going on. Taylor Inverse, a Slayers + Worm Crossover fanfic | FanFiction Weld reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. ", Taylor stared at him unflinchingly, "Producing, shipping and trading. Using this ability rapidly tires her. When all the gangs are invited to Somer's Rock to discuss the ongoing gang war, "For the record, we did invite the ABB. "We're on schedule to get the city back in working order in a matter of weeks. After that, she deliberately put Taylor into a situation where she would trigger, which simultaneously caused Contessa herself to second-trigger from deliberately forcing someone she had grown to care for into a trigger event. This is an alt-power Taylor in the Worm* verse with butterflies in play before the canon locker scene. Scalar Vectors by Sceptic62 (7 chapters, 19k words, last updated: 9th Jun, 2017) Aisha Laborn/Alec. Intercession, after Golden Morning, Contessa takes Taylor another world and hands her a baby Harry Potter to raise. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Her primary power allows her to enter a kind of time-frozen "ghost realm" as long as she is not being directly visually observed by any sapient being, bringing anything she is wearing or carrying with her. If Blackwell inexplicably picked up the stress-ball on her desk and lightly tossed it at my face, I probably wouldnt even reflexively blink until it hit me (much less dodge or catch the thing), that was how disassociating the outside perspective of myself was. End result: uninjured Taylor, Armsmaster saved, Armsmaster's motorcycle foamed (and saved), Squealer's truck rendered inoperable, Squealer trapped in a cotton candy cloud, Oni Lee with a bucket of molasses on his head. To use the same suit of armor example (see the Thinker power's description), Taylor would be able to enter her Breaker state because she is concealed within the armor. "Phones." Grind Chapter 1: 1-1, a X-overs + Worm Crossover fanfic | FanFiction Grind 1.1 I walked into the Library. You are using an out of date browser. This would have been a bit easier if only certain new villains hadn't cropped up around the same time whose powers seem suspiciously correlated with her own. Contessa is mildly annoyed that she's gained a few pounds because of Taylor, but takes it in good humor. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Why? Awww, thank you. In 1-2 more chapters the S9 arc will push over 100,000 words and almost 1/4 of the story. Anything that brain of yours could Tinker can be found. After the locker she ends up sharing a recovery room with one Colin Wallis, injured in his CID, and is one of my favourite Armsmasters. However, her sight is by no means normal. So many things to explore. ", Taylor nodded satisfied, "Not to boast, but yes, we're proud of what we've managed.". You crack the whip, shape-shift and trick the past again. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. For someone that's disabled, it's a gigantic part of your life every day. "An older model, communicator only?" "Yeah." Dad was standing over me. Scion and Eden were not mates, as much as they were a drug dealer and her bodyguard/best client - so she gets Blasto to make some weed and hands it to Scion. Really enjoyed this. and Samara from the Ring got together in Silent Hill and decided to mix and match powers to grant Taylor. It was easy to take Piggot's stand-offishness as hostility, but the reality was that this was a woman who had just lost everything. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Taylor is correct that she is a grab-bag cape. If he stood in it long enough, he might even feel warm. The Alchemist (Taylor w/ FMA-esque powers) - SpaceBattles
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